Building a Meaningful Brand Purpose

A defining purpose is one of the most effective ways to build a competitive brand. Unlike a brand promise, a clear purpose helps both employees and customers understand why you exist and why it matters.

Although most brands understand the importance of a strong purpose, few actually put it into practice –just 1 in 9 brands, according to a Radley Yeldar recent study. Unfortunately, good intentions will never differentiate a brand; only an authentic purpose can do that.

Here’s how to build your own:

Work for greater good
A strong purpose isn’t based on a fad. It reflects a specific, meaningful change you wish to see in the world.

Make a link
Find a purpose that your brand can actually do something about. Answer these questions: Why are you most qualified to accomplish this purpose? How are you going to get there? How will your customers benefit?

Capitalize on strengths
Your purpose should align with what you do best. For example, Nike’s purpose to build a healthier planet matches up with their specific domain (sports) and identifies how they can make a meaningful contribution within this realm.

Make it actionable
Steve Jobs didn’t tell his employees to “think different.” He encouraged them to ask, “What are you doing today to think different?” Your employees need to understand how your purpose applies to them on all levels so they can take ownership of it.

Make it worthwhile
Is your purpose worthwhile? Try this test from Ian Percy: If your grandchildren asked about your work, what story would interest them? It should be something they’ll ask to hear again. For example, would they care more about your financial gains or a cure you developed for a childhood disease?

Remember, if your purpose is not worth sharing, it’s not worth having.

Tell your story
Promotional products are a great way to share your brand purpose with others. No matter what your brand is working to accomplish, Proforma Business Impact can provide the support you need to reach your goals. Call us at 888-230-1448.
